Project three

Program Evaluation Strategy Report

Date: 2024

Role: Instructional Design student/Evaluator

Project Type: Program Evaluation

This purpose of this project was to assess the effectiveness and impact of an online training program aimed at enhancing faculty proficiency in online teaching best practices. By systematically examining participant reactions, learning outcomes, behavior changes, and organizational results, a program evaluation report was created and provided insights into the strengths and areas for improvement of the training program.

Ultimately, the recommendations outlined in the report sought to inform decision-making processes aimed at enhancing faculty development initiatives and improving the quality of online teaching and learning experiences within the institution. The Center for Faculty Excellence was very receptive to the report and its recommendations. 

Evidenced-based design concepts included Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Training Model, which was used as the framework for the evaluation methodology.


Picture of document front page.

Project Two


Project Four